As of this writing (2013-10-23) Group 6 has 11 members.
Kits 5079, 34801, and 162386 (me) are descendants of James Hill (1801-1868 GA) of Franklin and Jackson Counties in Georgia.
Kit 4233 is a descendant of William Hill Sr (1774 NC-? TN) of Sullivan and Claiborne counties in Tennessee, through his son Green Berry HILL (1805 VA – 1885 IL).
Kits 5289, 9219, and 54210 are descendants of Foster Hill (abt 1809 VA- abt 1880 TN), who is considered by some to be a son of the above mentioned William Hill Sr.
Kit 121962 is a descendant of George W HILL (1820-1825 OH – 1907-1910 KY).
Kit 4247 is a descendant of James HILL (c1785 NC? – bet 1850-60 MS).
Kit 10570 is a Barlow living in England, whose Hill ancestry is not known at this time.
Kit 123408 is listed in the Y-DNA results as a Group 6 member, but that kit# is not listed specifically on the Group 6 page. I presume it is the entry with the title "DATA POSTED NOT FROM FTDNA", who is descended from John Goldsberry Hill (1837 TN - 1877 IL).
There are two groups who can each trace their ancestry back to a common ancestor. Currently we do not know the connection between those two common ancestors, and we do not know the connection between them and the ancestors of the other four members.
If you have information to add to the above, especially with respect to identifying ancestors older than the ones listed above, please post your information.
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