My ancestors come from Darlington County, SC area. My lineage is as
follows and our family has lived in Pulaski Co, Ga for over 150 years. Samuel in fact came here by 1840 per census data.
Father - Joel Andrew Hill
Grandfather - James Thomas Hill
G Grandfather - Benjamine Franklin Hill
GG Grandfather - Samuel Hill
I have been attempting to find Samuel Hill's parents for almost two years. I can find his name listed on the will documents of an Isaac Hill of Darlington - these are online. He purchased some belongings from the estate. What is interesting is that Isaac was Samuel's first born male son - and the only Dunn who lived in Darlington SC in 1810 on the census was a Joseph Dunn, who was Isaac Hill's neighbor. Hoping I can get to the bottom of this!
Samuel and his wife are from the Darlington County area and this is well
documented. Samuel was reportedly born in abt 1810. He married a lady
named Mahala (Dunn?) in 1835 and moved to Pulaski County, Ga. Samuel's
children according the the census include:
Elizabeth 1835
Isaac 1839-1872
William H 1840-1864 civil war death ?
Ezekiel 1843-1863 civil war death
Joel Thomas 1845
James Addison 1845
Frances Katheryn 1850
Benjamin Franklin 1854-1940
The above info is documented in census data on Ancestry.
I know and have visited BF Hill grave many times. Samuel or Mahala's graves
are unlocated. Samuel died in 1876 (per newspaper clippings by Tad Evans)
and Mahala reportedly in 1898 (undocumented)
I have a public tree on ancestry named Hill Family Tree. I have also
recently taken the Ancestry DNA test but have not yet heard the results.
Just hoping I might find some common kin and info and perhaps answers to lead me to my g-g-g- g/f
Andy Hill
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DNA Test results?
Did you ever get the DNA test results? Have they helped you with your family research?
David Hill
Group 4 at HillDNA.Com?
Andy, I was just checking, looks like your Y-DNA test matched you up with Group 4 on the HillDNA.Com website. Has it helped you any with your family tree research?
David Hill