Based on notes from Luther Jean "Luke" Hill 1880-1950 about his family, they had eleven children, seven boys and four girls. Luke's father George Lafayette Hill 1843-1922 was "about in the middle." Based on census records from 1830, 1840, and 1860 (1850 is missing), information from descendants, and assumptions about spacing of births, the children were:
Washington Floyd Hill born 1823
Unknown Male born about 1826
Unknown Male born about 1828, died before 1840*
Unknown Male born about 1828, died before 1840*
Unknown Male born about 1830, died before 1840*
Unknown Male born about 1832
Unknown Male born about 1834
Caleb Pennington Hill born 1839
Unknown Female born about 1841
Nancy E Hill born 1843
George Lafayette Hill born 1843
Frances E Hill born 1844
James H Hill born 1848
Melissa P Hill born 1848
* several young males are on the 1830 census but not the 1840. The assumption is that they died between 1830 and 1840. It is possible they were children of friends or relatives simply staying with the James Hill family in 1830.
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