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Welcome to hillfamily.org


Welcome to hillfamily.org. This site began in 1998 as a simple website for my family. Over the years the site was neglected, and at the same time my interest in genealogy grew. In 2013 I decided to revamp the website as a discussion forum for Hill family research. Of course, my own personal interest is in my family and other Hill families that are possibly related, but I hope the forum can serve as a gathering place and discussion point for other Hills researching their families.

Any discussion of Hill family history is incomplete if hilldna.com is not mentioned. hilldna.com is an invaluable source of information that can help determine whether you are actually related to a particular Hill line. If you have not yet had your Y-DNA tested, please take the time and spend the money to get tested through hilldna.com.

Administering this forum is a new venture for me. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

David Hill
Atlanta, GA, USA
hilldna.com Group 6

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